Parisi Speed School at HealthQuest

Getting Started
Our Performance Coaches measure then mentor. The Parisi Coaches use the information from the performance evaluation to assess an athlete and place them into the appropriate training program. Our goal is to assure athletic improvement; the Parisi scientifically designed curriculum is structured to work on an athlete's weaknesses while strengthening their strengths.
Team Training
Parisi Teams have the speed and strength for excelling in their sport and experience fewer injuries during their season. Our work with teams has encompassed National Champions in Soccer, Volleyball and Lacrosse, State Champions in Football, Softball and Baseball and numerous League and District Winners.
Check out this affordable option for your team to Train to Win the Parisi way.
Parisi Athletes
Our athletes train hard, smart and successfully. For all our athletes, from Parisi Pro and World Class athletes like Cam Maybin, Tobin Heath, Katie Drabot & Jeremy Hill, to College Stars such as Taylor Cummings to High School standouts and 8 year old 1/2 Marathon National record holders,the Parisi programs provide winning physical and mental conditioning.